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Kantipur Hospital

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The Kantipur Hospital Private Limited was established in 2054 BS. taking the aim of providing medical treatment to the patient using the latest technologies introduced in the medical field. The hospital is brought into existence with the combined effort and zeal of the prominent doctors,renowned social activist and Kantipur Saving & Credit Co-operative.
Since the beginning of its establishment this hospital has been trying to provide quality healthcare service targeting middle and lower class people as patients. This hospital feels proud to provide cost effective and best service to its beneficiaries. With the hope of extending more quality healthcare now it has been running with 100 beds in its own building located at Tinkune, Koteshwor, Kathmandu.Now it has consultant service, OPD, surgical ward, Gyano , skin and uranery, Bones, ICU, Cancer ward, Dylosis, Post operative wards, We do have 24 hours Pharmacy and ambulance services. Further it provides a privilege to the local people as well. In co-operation with District Health posts the hospital is helping in vaccination for the growing children.
"Prevention is better than cure" keeping this in mind Kantipur Hospital is focusing on regular health check up package
program. On this package the physical check up is done thoroughly and if patients are found for further test they will
be referred to specialists.
The Kantipur Hospital Private Limited was established in 2054 BS. taking the aim of providing medical treatment to the patient using the latest technologies introduced in the medical field. The hospital is brought into existence with the combined effort and zeal of the prominent doctors,renowned social activist and Kantipur Saving & Credit Co-operative.
Since the begging of its establishment this hospital has been trying to provide quality healthcare service targeting middle and lower class people as patients. This hospital feels proud to provide cost effective and best service to its
beneficiaries.With the hope of extending more quality healthcare now it has been running with 100 beds in its own building located at Tinkune, Koteshwor, Kathmandu.Now it has consultant service, OPD, surgical ward, Gyano ,
skin and urinary, Bones, ICU, Cancer ward, Dylosis, Post operative wards,
We do have 24 hours Pharmacy and ambulance services. Further it provides a privilege to the local people as well. In co-operation with District Health posts the hospital is helping in vaccination for the growing children.
"Prevention is better than cure" keeping this in mind Kantipur Hospital is focusing on regular health check up package program. On this package the physical check up is done thoroughly and if patients are found for further test they will be referred to specialists.


Contact Information

Subidhanagar Tinkune, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone 2

Author Info

Dinesh Chaudhary

Member since 5 years ago
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