National Examinations Board
In the context of the implementation of Education Act (8th Amendment) 2073, National Examinations Board has already been in function being transformed from the existing Higher Secondary Education Board. Among the responsibilities being accomplished by existing Higher Secondary Education Board, as per the new management, school affiliation approval, scholarship program and school operation procedures are now managed by local bodies and the tasks related to curriculum construction, development and determination of equivalence are now performed by Curriculum Development Centre. The examination related tasks of Grade 10 (Secondary Education Examinations (SEE)) and class 11 and 12 (School Leaving Certificate Examination (SLCE)) have now been affiliated to the jurisdiction of National Examinations Board as integrated components. At the same time, the examinations of class 10 will be brought into operation in the regional/provincial level.
Established for school education examinations operation, management and promotion, as per the provisions mentioned in the Education Act, the major task of the National Examinations Board will be centralized in the development and advancement of examination methods.
National Examinations Board has been defined in the Education Act as an autonomous and organized institution with uninterrupted succession. The Board has a separate seal for its own work implementation purpose. All the responsibilities, which were operated by the Examination Controller’s office of Higher Secondary Education Board, are now being operated by National Examinations Board. All the fixed and liquid assets of the Higher Secondary Education Board have now been transferred to the National Examinations Board.
Organizational Structure of the Board
The organizational structure of the National Examinations Board has been fixed as follows.
1.   The person, recommended by the three-member search committee formed in the chair of the chairperson of Civil Service Commission with two renowned educationists at least a representation of a woman, nominated by the Ministry of Education, at least with master’s degree from a recognized university with an experience of education and examination related works for at least twelve years and appointed by the government of Nepal – The Chairman.
2.   Secretary, the Ministry of Education – Vice-Chairman
3. Â Â Joint-Secretary (Education Wing), Ministry of Education - Member
4. Â Â Director General, Department of Education- Member
5. Â Â Executive Director- Curriculum Development Center- Member
6. Â Â Member Secretary, Â Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)- Â Member
7. Â Â The controller of Examinations, Tribhuvan University- Member
8.   Three persons, with at least one representation of a woman from the university profession, education administration and examinations with at least ten years’ experience, appointed by the Board- Member
9. Â Â Two principals with at least a woman appointed by the ministry of education from community and institutional high schools- Member
10. First class officer of Nepal education service or an officer from senior officers of National Examination Board- Member Secretary.
Rights and Duties of the Board
Rights and duties of National Examinations Board will be as follows:
a. To make the policies of the Board and take them to implementation based on the examination policies approved by Education Ministry.
b. To prepare the long term plans of the Board and implement them.
c.  To make an evaluation whether value and quality have been maintained in School Education Examinations or not.
d.  To approve the annual budget and programs of the Board
e.  To manage financial resources to operate the daily tasks of the Board.
f.  To submit the periodic and annual reports of the Board to the Ministry of Education
g.  To carry out other works and duties as mentioned in the Act.
The Board’s Office and Daily Work Operation
The office of National Examinations Board has been established in the existing office of Higher Secondary Education Board and its daily operational tasks are being performed. The examination related works of class 11 and 12 are being conducted from the controller’s office of National Examinations Board. And the examination related works of class 10 are being carried out from the office of S. L. C. (class 10) Examinations Controller’s Office.
The official seal of National Examinations Board has been used in the certificates distributed by the Board’s central office and other branch offices and a Note is given: “This Certificate has been issued by the National Examinations Board pursuant to clause 41 (2) of Education Act (8th Amendment), 2073 B. S. (2016 A. D.)
The jurisdiction of the Board
Two examinations of secondary education, class 10 and the final examination of class 12 are to be operated by National Examinations Board. As mentioned in Education Act, the examinations of class ten will be conducted in provincial level and the final examinations of the basic level (class 8) will be conducted by the local bodies.
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